Lecture – The Uses of the University: Public Higher Education and Democracy


The Uses of the University: Public Higher Education and Democracy

John Holmwood

This talk will address the implications of recent reforms to higher education in England (and elsewhere) that align the university with a global knowledge economy. It will suggest that the reforms are a response to the emergence of mass higher education, but involve a shift away from understanding education as a social right and the expression of an inclusive public interest to an understanding of it as an investment in human capital and the expression of a private interest of individuals. This involves giving priority to the marketisation of the functions of a university and the displacement of those functions that cannot be marketised, including its functions for democracy.

John Holmwood is Professor of Sociology at the University of Nottingham. He is the current president of the British Sociological Association. He is also the co-founder of the Campaign for the Public University.

 Wednesday, 12 February (4pm.)

Venue: 1st Floor Lecture Theatre, Room 1.13, 126 Mount Pleasant (CLL)

To book for this lecture go to: uculecture1@ulivucu.org.uk


UCU Lecture Series October 2013


The Place of the University in Society: Directions in Education

The programme

What is ‘The Great University Gamble’?

Wednesday, 2 October (5.30pm.)
Andrew McGettigan (author of The Great University Gamble: Money Markets and the Future of Higher Education, Pluto 2013)

Venue: Rendall LT.6

To book for this lecture go to: uculecture1@ulivucu.org.uk

Universities: the neo-liberal agenda

Thursday, 10 October (5.30pm.)
Professor Bob Brecher (University of Brighton)

To book for this lecture go to: uculecture2@ulivucu.org.uk

Venue: Rendall LT.6

The corporatisation of the university (live broadcast)
Tuesday, 22 October (4.45pm.)
Professor Noam Chomsky (MIT)

To book for this lecture go to: uculecture3@ulivucu.org.uk

Venue: Central Teaching Labs LT.B

Defending education: what are the unions for?
Thursday, 31 October (5.30pm.)
Liz Lawrence (UCU, national vice-president); Professor John Holmwood (University of Nottingham) (founder of the Campaign for the Public University)

Venue: Rendall LT.6

To book for this lecture go to: uculecture4@ulivucu.org.uk