Liverpool Voluntary Severance Scheme, TEF, REF and “Performance Management” Members’ Survey

Also see this flyer/ leaflet explaining the VSS and the UCU UoL position: VSS Flyer

The aim of the survey is to establish the facts and the effects of the Voluntary Severance Scheme announced by the University of Liverpool.
The Branch’s advice in relation to the scheme is that:
No one should go to a meeting in relation to the scheme or discuss the VSS if they do not wish to do so.
No one should be coerced in applying for the scheme
Coercion includes the use of any performance indicators as arguments that may “persuade” members of staff to take voluntary severance
The Branch does not accept that such “indicators” are legitimate
This survey is anonymous but If you wish to request personal advice and information please contact the local UCU Office at: or 0151795 3246